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If there is any news that you think should be on this page, please contact the clerk.

Statement from Anglian Water:

The problems we're seeing in Burnham Thorpe are being caused by rainwater and groundwater overwhelming the system, rather than a specific problem with the network itself which is operating to its full capacity. Our sewers are designed to take away the waste from homes and businesses, but the nature of what they are there to do, means they are not sealed systems, and excess rainwater or groundwater can infiltrate into them during prolonged or extreme wet weather.  Even as we start to see more favourable weather, we are still experiencing problems as groundwater levels remain high. This means that while our network is operating the best it can, there's much less room for the sewage and this can cause problems with overflowing manholes as well as with flushing toilets, using showers and washing machines, particularly if they are downstairs.


Our teams are continuing to work very hard to manage the situation and to keep the network operating as well as it can. They are continually checking our pipes and pumps as well as clearing blockages to keep drains clear. We are also tankering in Burnham Thorpe to take away some of the groundwater to prevent pollution and create capacity in the sewer network.


Tankering is, however, only a short term solution to a complicated problem which is wider than our pipes and includes the whole drainage network of groundwater, rivers and drains.  We are, therefore, committed to working with other agencies to remove the impact of surface water, groundwater and flooding on our network for the longer term to prevent it causing problems for customers and the environment. As part of this, we have already set up a multi-agency engineering cell to help address the issues we are seeing in the Burnham Thorpe area.

Flooding and Sewage Concerns

The Norfolk County Council are asking for residents to complete a Flood Questionnaire regarding properties and land in the parish.  Please do complete this and send direct to Norfolk County Council - address on the back of the form.

Flood Questionnaire

Becoming a councillor - Co-Option

There are still two seats vacant on the Parish Council.  Please do contact the Clerk if interested in becoming a Parish Councillor.

Gritting Update - Norfolk County Council

Norfolk County Council have agreed to re-established the original gritting route in the village.  A new grit bin will be purchased in due course.

Street Lighting – Message from the Chairman

I thought it would be useful to tell you all about how your Parish Council operates and how matters are raised, discussed, challenged then decisions made and implemented.

I want to tell you about the process and the integrity of every decision that is made but also how necessary it is to make decisions to ensure that we continue to enjoy and protect the environment.  Whether it is next door’s six storey extension or the flooding of the Burn


The reason I am doing this is because over a period of four months the Council has been considering street lighting.  We have looked at the benefit we get from our rather limited number of street lights, the cost and whether we should be upgrading the quality of the lights and our control over them.   We have thought about the safety of our children and the vulnerable in our community, the amenity they provide and we have also been encouraged to look at the Dark Skies initiative which aims to reduce light pollution.

Street lighting is one of those things that it seems you can never quite get right…too many and we have an over-lit housing estate-like effect with skies that slightly odd shade of orange; too few and we get puddles of light and dark corners that do not benefit everyone.  The lights in Thorpe are not providing a significant amount of illumination and are not that controllable – the cost of maintenance and upgrade while not huge is a cost.  

After discussion in various open council meetings the decision was taken to trial a switch off.​This decision was minuted and communicated on the Parish website and in the newsletter.


It is therefore with some disappointment that I have to report that a number of parishioners appear to have been caught a little off-guard by the switch-off and have raised questions around decision making, communication and the integrity.

The trial has had the desired outcome – people are thinking, as your Council has done, about the advantages and disadvantages of the village lights.   At the next council meeting I am expecting everyone who has sent an email and had conversations in the streets to come and express their views and to listen to those who have different views. 

We will then make a decision about whether to continue with the trial based on the village consensus about whether to continue with the trial or to turn the lights back on.


In the meantime, or if you cannot make the meeting then come round when my car is in the drive – I make excellent coffee I love listening and I love good conversation.

Will James – Buntings – Chair of your Council

25th October 2022

Lowering of Speed in the Village

Thank you to all parishioners who took the time to complete the survey for lowering the speed limit in the parish.  The results are : 55 responses were received.

Do you support a speed reduction for the whole of the parish from 30mph to 20mph:  74.5% Yes 25.5% No

Would you support the speed limit along Church Lane to be extended to the Walsingham road : 75.9% Yes 24.1% No

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